Singing Guide: Kermit the Frog

Singing Guide: Kermit the Frog

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kermit the Frog has become an iconic character thanks primarily to The Muppet Show, a television series that ran from 1976 to 1981. Jim Henson created Kermit in 1955 and continued to voice the character until his death in 1990.

Kermit has an unmistakable voice that is both distinctive and pleasant. Many people, especially children, enjoy doing impressions of the character. In this article, we will explore how to learn how to sing like Kermit the Frog.

One defining characteristic of Kermit's voice is that he tends to speak in a higher register and uses a unique inflection. While there is no one quite like Kermit, there are still some useful tips to emulate his style.

To begin, it is essential to understand vocal range and how it applies to Kermit's voice. Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Range Test for singers to assess where they fall on the range spectrum. After taking the test, you can see how your range compares to famous singers like Kermit.

With a firm understanding of your vocal range, the next step is to focus on breathing techniques. Breathing Basics is the perfect resource to help understand how to breathe more effectively while singing. For Kermit's voice, you want to focus on using the diaphragm and maintaining a steady flow of air.

Having a higher-pitched voice like Kermit can be beneficial since it allows you to reach notes with greater ease. But, you must also strengthen your voice to handle long singing sessions. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is an excellent way to work on your breath control and build up your vocal stamina.

Kermit often uses his chest voice when singing, but he can also use his head voice seamlessly. Understanding Voice Registers and Vocal Break will allow you to navigate these transitions effectively. When done well, singing in the head voice can provide an entirely different sound and add a new layer of complexity to your singing.

Another thing to keep in mind when singing like Kermit is to use Twang. Twang is a specific vocal technique where you create a narrow vowel sound by tensing the muscles around the larynx. The How to Twang Exercise is the perfect video to help you practice this technique.

One last aspect of singing like Kermit is to incorporate emotion into your performance. Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking will guide you on how to sing with more emotional intensity. Additionally, Relaxing Breath is a useful video to help alleviate any tension and improve your overall singing approach.

Even though Kermit isn't known for any particular song, there are still some tunes that showcase his unique vocal skills. Consider singing "Rainbow Connection" or "It's Not Easy Being Green," two classic songs from the Muppets.

All in all, there is much to be learned from Kermit when it comes to singing. From his unique inflection to his ability to use twang, adding some Kermit to your singing can elevate your style to new heights. Now go grab that banjo, sit under that tree, and start singing "Rainbow Connection."

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.